Continue working on

Over the past two weeks, I have continued working on my previous task and improved it further.

Apply colorblind_safe more

In my previous work, I applied colorblind_safe to some functions. I have extended this to many more functions. However, in the previous changes, I did not choose colormaps based on what the user wants to visualize. For example, if you are interested in the variation of values, it is better to use a sequential colormap, whereas if the focus is on whether values take certain values, a diverging colormap is more suitable. I have modified each function to use suitable colors. Please take a look at the following examples: hinton and sphereplot.

hinton, colorblind_safe = False

hinton, colorblind_safe = True

sphere_plot, colorblind_safe = True

sphare_plot, colorblind_safe = True

Prepare for the first evaluation

The first evaluation for GSoC is coming. Therefore, in addition to making the code mergeable, I have also updated the documentation. I am excited to see it being merged and used by everyone. If you have any ideas to make it even better, let’s contribute to QuTiP.